What our Clients say

We pride ourselves on providing superior service and Network Support. 

Don’t take our word for it, read what our clients say!

HTS is the Company to Call !


I would like to give a testimonial to Our Awesome PC Tech …Zandro. When Zandro is called, he usually answers his phone call right away. If he is busy, he returns our call quickly, to answer our many questions and concerns with our law firm office computers, or he is making an office call for us. We have the utmost respect and praise for his excellent customer service & patience with us, as well as, his superior computer knowledge and professionalism. We would recommend Harris Technology Services Technicians any day of the week to solve your computer and phone system problems!

There is no company that I would trust more than HTS

I first began working with Harris Technology Services, HTS, in August of 2000 when I became the network administrator of a school district network. The network was large and growing very fast. Harris came in and took the network from several little independent networks and setup the structure that would enable me to grow the network into a fifteen mile fiber optic network connecting five schools using 1500+ computers. The district used HTS for network maintenance during the nine years that I served as Network Administrator and Technology Coordinator.

Mark Harris would come to the district during the summer as the network was growing and expanding. He would help me get the network ready with new services for the new school year. It was always a comfort to know that Mark was a simple email or phone call away. He would always respond that day to any issue that I had.

There were several times when a serious server issue would arise and Mark would drive 125 miles to come and help fix the problem. On more than one occasion, I would leave the office for the day while Mark was working only to come back in the morning to find him still working on the problem. This is dedication to a client.

Nine years in the computer industry is a lifetime, a lifetime off changes and new devices that I had to learn about and use. HTS was always there to help install and configure these devices as the network grew over the years. HTS was always there for consultation on new configurations or services that the staff required. They always allowed me to fully express our needs then discussed different options that would work. HTS never pushed a particular brand of hardware or software.

HTS has a CES contract for purchasing computer parts. I am a very frugal shopper and HTS would always have a  very reasonable price for any parts that I needed. This included the purchase of parts for 2250 brand new computers including 199 inch flat screen monitors for $207,000. That works out to only $88.28 per machine. This was in 2008. Those machines are still in service and will be for several more years.

To work on any network that I manage. All the staff at HTS have various certifications for what they do. Their 24‐7 capability of monitoring makes them the ideal choice for network maintenance. They understand schools and how school budgeting works. Many IT companies demand payment up front and schools cannot pay for services before they are delivered. HTS is school friendly and experts in what they do.

Robert Spitz

Robert Spitz

Highly Recommended by Loving Municipal Schools

For the past 10.5 years, Harris Technologies has been providing us with Network Maintenance support and configuration. All of their Techs that have come to our district to do the work needed, have been very knowledgeable with what they need to do to keep the network up and running and solving the problems. Whenever we need help they always have someone available to help with our problems. I highly recommend Harris Technology Services for your network maintenance and configuration needs.

John Ortiz, IT Director

Outstanding Tech Service

St Bonaventure Mission School

I had a serious problem on April 22 and Harris Tech was able to provide the needed tech service to resolve my problem. If it weren’t for Harris Tech, I would have been locked out an important server and may have even lost all the data that was stored on the server. Harris Tech is an exceptional organization with great techs who know what they are doing. Thank You Harris Tech!


I had some issues with my computer. The other people I had worked with stated that they would have to overwrite my data on my hard drive to resolve the issue. I called Harris Technologies. They were able to repair my computer without losing any data in a minimal amount of time. Since I am a CPA, my computer is my livelihood. I WILL NEVER USE ANYONE OTHER THAN HARRIS TECHNOLOGIES. Their people are extremely knowledgeable and moreover they really care. That is a rarity.



Jennifer S. Vaughn, CPA
Jennifer S. Vaughn CPA

Another happy customer

BAR Financial has been a happy customer of HTS for several years and through a variety of relocations and expansions. Whenever we have an issue, we know that Harris will solve the problem for us quickly; I’ve recommended them in the past and will continue to do so.

Serena Roybal

Praise from West Las Vegas

I wanted to take the time to thank Mark Everett, Josh and Zandro for the work they did down here. Both are extremely knowledgeable and give great customer service. It was a bit hectic at times as my schedule is crazy with all the hats I wear around the district and the work Lisa and I have on our plates. Both were understanding and worked with us at IT as well as the staff at the sites to get the job completed. It came out better than I could have hoped for. From the racks to the cabling everything came out very professional.

The Director of the Headstart Program commented numerous times about how things came out. He has zero complaints since the install and all has remained working, which a new experience for him given the problems with previous vendors. Again thank you guys for the great work and I look forward to the next project. You guys do good work!  I’ve been in the business for some time and the HTS team has been an absolute pleasure to work with. Very professional.

Excellent IT Support

Harris Technology Services has responded quickly and efficiently to every need we have had this year. We work with the same polite and helpful people time after time, giving them an in-depth knowledge of our system and needs. I highly recommend them.

HTS Referral

Harris Technology Services has been our IT solution for at least 7 years. They’ve always responded in a timely matter when we’ve had critical IT issues affecting our business. They also have provided us with quality HP hardware which, with Harris’ support, has been an overall very good experience. Best of all, we have a dedicated IT service technician, Brian Carstens, who always goes the extra mile to help us especially when our issue is critical. I would recommend Harris Technology without hesitation!

HTS EduCare Improves Management of IT Systems

EduCare provided by Harris Technology Services, Inc. has been a major factor in helping New Mexico School for the Deaf vastly improve its management of IT systems. In a rapidly changing technological world, precise skills come at a premium but are also key to keeping IT systems properly maintained. Lack of correct skills translates into issues of all kinds going undetected or being created and technology issues can quickly escalate into major issues and perhaps lead to critical systems failure. Key benefits EduCare provides for NMSD are accurate threshold monitoring; skilled problem resolution; measurable service level; flexibility so that the customer remains in the drivers set; reporting and real-time system access and much more. Because NMSD IT has become more problem free since we began leveraging the benefits of EduCare, we are now more able to make better IT productivity gains for NMSD. When I find something that works in IT, I tend to stick with it and that is our intention with Harris and EduCare.